From a start-up to working with Tour de France 

Did you know that cycling 7km can save up to 1 kilogram in CO2 emissions compared to a car ride? Transportation is one of the biggest sources of C02 emissions with cars and trucks being the main polluters. By switching from a car to a bike, together we could contribute to saving 150g of CO2 emissions per each kilometre we ride our bikes. In Copenhagen, 9 out of 10 Danes own a bike and each year, the people of Copenhagen help reduce around 20 000 tons of CO2 emission by choosing their bike over a car.

We met with one cycling enthusiast, who took his own passion for sustainability and biking one step further. In 2016, Oscar Bjørn-Rosager decided to create CYKOM, a company that helps recycle and resell professional cyclists’ gear and bicycles.   

In 6 years, CYKOM has grown to a company of more than 20 employees and with customers in more than 75 countries. The company sells everything from professional cycling gear to bikes, manage many professional cycling teams’ e-commerce sites and organize physical pop-up shops at big cycling competitions like the Tour de France. 

Keeping track of your team  

For CYKOM it was clear from the start that they’d need a scheduling tool to keep track of the staff in the warehouse and their physical store in Copenhagen. After trying Planday they haven’t looked back. 

As the team manager of both the warehouse and physical store, Malthe is responsible for making sure that employees get the hours they should and that they get paid accordingly. For Antoine, who works as a sales assistant in the CYKOM store, Planday makes it easy for him to keep track of which of his teammates he should be working with on a specific day. In the Planday app he can get an overview of who is on holiday, who is available to work and who might be scheduled with him but has not come to work.  

Save time where it matters

Tina Dideriksen works as the CFO of CYKOM and has a busy schedule with limited time and small margin for errors. For her, it is essential that the systems she works in save time, that the systems work well together and require minimal manual input from her.  By connecting their chosen payroll system, Salary, with Planday, CYKOM can sync time worked and run faster pay runs. 

Malthe echoes Tina’s statement about saving time and estimates that he uses around 45 minutes a week on scheduling with Planday, whereas he would use up to 2,5 hours on the same tasks before. This means that he is able to save up to a full day of work each month by automating scheduling with Planday.

CYKOM has aimed to outsource all tasks where they see that they can save time and money and Tina believes this is exactly what they have managed to do by using Planday and Salary together.  

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