What is The Single Biggest Shift?


6 min read

What is The Single Biggest Shift?


    From spiralling costs to staggering staff shortages, the hospitality sector’s struggles often make headlines. And the industry has an open secret, too; it can’t keep its best talent from walking out in droves.

    These staff turnover troubles could get a whole lot worse before they get better. Why? Because 68% of hospitality workers are considering leaving the industry.

    Teams are suffering from burnout, a poor work/life balance and with their mental health.

    Uncertain hours, that constantly change, keep team members from seeing loved ones, developing skills or unwinding properly. They even cause financial harm – because staff never know what they’re taking home, they can’t plan properly.

    We and The Burnt Chef Project have found one small change that changes everything. A free change that makes your team happier, healthier and more likely to stay with you for longer.

    Planning your rotas further in advance.

    It’s The Single Biggest Shift you can make.

    Why does the Single Biggest Shift and planning ahead matter?

    The hospitality sector makes up 8% of the UK workforce. And it’s struggling.

    There’s over 100,000 open roles in the industry right now. That’s a huge hole in teams across the country. Why are businesses struggling to fill these positions? Because of a lack of work/life balance.

    Happy, healthy staff stay. Happy, content staff commit to a workplace. To create a happy workplace you need to listen and respond to your team’s needs. And they need structure.

    Right now, 69% of team members get less than one week's notice of their next shift pattern. Staff who don’t know what’s coming can’t recover properly, make plans or anticipate their monthly take home. They live in uncertainty.

    Hospitality needs to rethink its approach if it’s going to bring in new people and keep its great talent from leaving the industry. Without this shift, there may not be enough staff to keep the doors open.

    Simply, we must get this right.

    The impact of last-minute shift planning

    To provide customers with quality service that keeps them coming back for more, you need a skilled and passionate team. It’s hard to foster that talent when last-minute planning is making 52% of hospitality professionals plan to quit their current job.

    • 61% of UK hospitality businesses are experiencing staff shortages
    • 40% of businesses are reducing opening hours because of staff shortages
    • The average length a new employee stays in a new role is just 56 days
    • 30% of new employees leave within 90 days of starting a new role

    Making our teams unhappy is costing businesses. It means we’re spending more on recruitment, training or even having to close completely. Then there’s the constant strain on management who can’t upskill, train or manage effectively, as they’re trying to solve staffing issues.

    To secure the future of hospitality, and make teams happier and healthier, you need to make the Single Biggest Shift.

    How planning creates retention

    All you have to do is start providing your team with their rotas in advance. This one change allows your team to better plan every aspect of their lives – professionally, personally and financially.

    The link between poor work/life balance, a lack of control and mental health issues is clear.

    Not being able to plan ahead means:

    • 56% of employees have cancelled personal plans because of last-minute shifts
    • 51% of employees don’t know what their monthly take home will be
    • 53% have suffered stress and anxiety due to lack of future planning

    The 83% of staff currently experiencing mental health issues could be supported and helped by having a better picture of what their work patterns will be in advance.

    It’s time for all businesses to start giving a shift.

    Staff planning, and providing these plans to your workforce as early as possible, goes a long way to supporting your team. Especially when you incorporate smart planning that gives additional benefits, like a regular routine/working pattern or consistent weekends off (ideally at least once a month) for each team member.

    Currently only 24% of employees across the industry get two back-to-back days off every 14 days, and this contributes to burnout. By planning further ahead and factoring in how to assign days off optimally, you can give your teams more time to focus on their wellbeing and health.

    And happier, healthier, more developed employees are key to providing a great hospitality service (and a team who sticks around).

    Nearly a quarter of hospitality staff say that better communication of shifts would keep them in their roles.

    How to get ahead and become a business that gives a shift

    It’s time for the shift-planning shift. If you want to keep talent in the industry, and attract new employees, you need to make changes. And moving towards better planning and communication of shifts is something everyone can start now.

    This small change has a huge impact on your ability to retain talent and improve the mental health of your team.

    And it’s easy to get started. We have everything you need to plan ahead, even if that’s just getting to planning at least one week out for now.

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