Alle de funktioner du har brug for

Hurtig kommunikation

Kommunikér direkte med dine medarbejdere gennem appen.

Præcis tidssporing

Personalet kan nemt stemple ind ved at bruge appen.

Detaljeret vagtplan

Medarbejdere kan se alle detaljer på deres kommende vagtplaner direkte i appen.


Vagtbytte er ikke noget problem i Planday. Dine medarbejdere kan hurtigt bytte vagter, hvis der er behov for det.

Foretrukne arbejdsdage

Managerne kan se, hvornår deres medarbejdere helst vil arbejde.


Medarbejdere kan anmode om ferie og fridage gennem appen.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Accurate time tracking

Staff can easily clock-in for upcoming shifts, using the app dashboard.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Accurate time tracking

Staff can easily clock-in for upcoming shifts, using the app dashboard.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Accurate time tracking

Staff can easily clock-in for upcoming shifts, using the app dashboard.

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